July18, 2022
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The Inland Rail project is the largest nation-building project since the Snowy Mountains Hydro Scheme. The project is an immense opportunity for Queensland. As part of its public policy to economically expand north and and central regions of Queensland, a Democratic Party of Queensland (DPQ) government will support a Toowoomba to the Port of Gladstone State Development Area link, expedite relevant state approvals and incorporate the development of an additional connection between Toowoomba and Brisbane.
Toowoomba to Gladstone Link
We will prioritise the construction of the Toowoomba to the Port of Gladstone State Development Area link for Inland Rail via the Surat Basin railway.
We will review the issues associated with the Inland Rail crossing through the Condamine Flood Plain. We support the development and approval of alternative route options, such as a route through the forestry area to the west of the Condamine Flood Plains, to control the impacts on high-value agricultural land and the environment.
Toowoomba to Brisbane Link
All double-stacked freight trains bound for Greater Brisbane will be broken-down at Toowoomba (or before), with only single-stacked freight trains allowed to continue down the range to Greater Brisbane. Only single-stack freight trains will be allowed because the track will be for high-speed passenger trains.
We will review the design of the Toowoomba Range crossing tunnel and ensure the construction of a minimum of a dual-tracked option only for single-stack trains to accommodate future electrification and high-speed passenger rail services.
We will develop an all-rail corridor for the Kagaru to Acacia Ridge and Bromelton section for future electrified high-speed passenger rail services between Salisbury and Beaudesert via Greater Flagstone at a minimal cost to Queensland taxpayers.
We will prohibit coal trains from using the Brisbane and Logan rail network. Restricting coal trains will reduce noise and dust in the outer and middle-ring suburbs and free the tracks for more passenger trains.
Heavy Vehicle Management Study for Rail/Road Intermodal Terminals
Unloading containerised freight onto trucks will be concentrated at the proposed South East Queensland (SEQ) intermodal. A DPQ Government will commission the Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) to undertake a detailed study of how heavy vehicles unloaded at these terminals can travel on the state-controlled road network without overwhelming key urban congestion pinch points. The approval of the Toowoomba to Brisbane Link will be conditional on the completion of these studies and the necessary road upgrades to accommodate the increase in traffic programmed into the Queensland Transport and Road Infrastructure Plan (QTRIP).
Environmental Aspects & Impacts
A DPQ government will expedite investment into relevant environmental reviews and approvals for the project. Including investigating the alignment of the route to avoid severe social and environmental impacts on residents, the environment, waterways and our most productive agricultural land.
Operation of the Inland Rail
A DPQ government will press for the dissolution of the Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC). The future operation of Inland Rail must be the responsibility of the federal government department responsible for infrastructure and transport. The Inland Rail project, as a public asset with a national economic interest, must be removed from any temptation for future privatisation.